Eka YogiLife - Branding
Website landing page design for product launch.
Full concept design and branding Including design of logo, copy and full line of product design.
Visit at www.ekayogilife.com
(Full website design in progress)
ACLI Bruchure
Logo design, brochure and branding developed for All Clean Long Island. Organing home and office cleaning company looking for a fresh clean look - combining a modern and minimalist look with a transitional design feel.
Logo Design and Branding
Art consulting firm.
Logo Design, company print design, website design (www.artrepny.com) and branding.
Artrep, Inc. - Business Card Design
Design for art consulting firm.
Business card, print design, branding
Speedmunky Logo Design
Completed 2011 for Speedmunky
Speedmunky Gift Card
Speedmunky Business Card
Re-branding design for Speedmunky
Speedmunky Flyer
Print/Ad design, branding, illustration (illustration of biker girl design by LaVa Studios). Designed for Speedmunky 2011.
Speedmunky Business Card
Logo Design, Branding, print design - Designed for Speekmunky 2011.
Prana Studio Logo
Created for Prana Yoga Studio Annapolis, MD. 2011 - The Ganesha is a God of the Hindu Religion and is frequently symbolized for his guidance , as he is the destroyer of all obstacles. Since the study of yoga is about perseverance, we chose the Ganesha as the logo symbol. The logo was also hand painted onto the back wall in the practice studio at Prana. - Pictures unavailable at this time.
Dorianne Cosmetics Logo Design
Professional Make-up artist logo design